Quarantine is space mission training!
Training to be a space professional–engineer, physicist, designer, even astronaut–demands being ready for conditions which are VUCA: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, (and) Ambiguous.
In facing the challenges of a global pandemic and COVID-19 quarantine, students of all ages throughout the USA and around the world, rose to the challenge of meeting and taking charge of VUCA conditions which changed almost daily.
March 2022 marks two-years of pandemic quarantine and counter-measures.
In acknowledgement of student's accomplishments, Mike Mongo and United Launch Alliance have partnered in creating The Humannaires Initiative.
The Humannaires Initiative acknowledges the accomplishments of students. Framing quarantine as space mission training recognizes the valuable experience and skills that were learned in dealing with the VUCA conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, skills that will benefit students for all their lives and which are particularly suited for careers in the space industry and as space professionals. As many top astronauts have shared on social media and in interviews over the past year, social distancing, working together even across large distances, and even temporary isolation are essential skills for astronaut training.
Humannaires are the next generation of space explorers who have been in training for the past year. The Humannaires Initiative acknowledges the accomplishments of quarantine as one-year of space mission training.

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