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The Humannaires Initiative

Quarantine is space mission training!

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Are YOU a Humannaire?

Humannaires are the next generation of space explorers, training for space today!


“If you are thinking of a career in space, in order for you to get to space, you must believe one important thing: By the time I am a young adult, I can start to live, work, and play in space as one of the next kind of astronaut, a humannaire. And that is the single most important thing for you to believe to be able to leave the planet and live in space!”

mike mongo the humannaires initiative ul


Mike Mongo, Astronaut Teacher, is the author of best-selling children’s book, The Astronaut Instruction Manual, and host of YouTube for Kids’ channel Mike Mongo’s Astronaut Adventures. Mr Mongo is the official ambassador of ULA-supported Johnny Appleseed in Space and founder of The HUMANNAIRES Initiative.


Learn more about Mike Mongo, Astronaut Teacher

The Wedding
United Launch Alliance Mike Mongo Humann


ULA is the nation’s most experienced space launch company with more than 140 consecutive launches and a 100% mission success rate. ULA brings the utmost precision, passion and purpose to one of the most technically complex, critical American needs: affordable, reliable access to space. Making progress above, ULA is harnessing the potential of space for humanity.


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United Launch Alliance


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